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Transmission Repairs in North Omaha You Can Trust

When your car lurches or makes a scary noise, you can trust the professionals at AAMCO of Omaha (North) to provide expert transmission repairs in North Omaha. We hire only the most skilled transmission rebuild and repair technicians. Our technicians are trained to use the most recent technologies to diagnose and repair your transmission. From there, we are well situated to perform whatever repairs need to be done to your vehicle. You rely on your car to get to work, ferry your children from school to soccer practice, and get to social engagements. We’re proud to offer a comprehensive diagnostic scan of your transmission. The scan checks your transmission fluid, as well as all of its internal and external parts. That’s why we understand that having your car repaired is a stressful event. We strive to provide a calming and welcoming environment in our waiting room while we repair your vehicle.

We believe in providing honest service. We don’t upsell our customers for services they don’t need. If you need transmission repairs, we will not try to sell you a new spark plug. Our reputation is built on our forthright service and is backed up by the testimonials and experiences of our customers. We’ve built our reputation for being the transmission rebuild and repair experts North Omaha trusts.

Learn More About Our Services

Aamco servicemen smiling

We Have a Nationwide Presence and a Local Approach

Vehicle repairs can be expensive. Your transmission is a crucial part of your car. AAMCO of North Omaha has a proven track record of providing exactly that: comfort. Among the ways we take care of you include:

  • Our transmission repairs are backed and guaranteed by a comprehensive warranty so you don’t have to worry about repeat expenses.
  • We offer free towing to any vehicle needing a rebuilt transmission.
  • We want your local fleet to stay up and running. That’s why we offer a local fleet program on par with national fleet coverages.
  • We’re a locally-owned company, but we boast a national presence.
  • We use state-of-the-art equipment to perform complete diagnostic service on the computer in your car, allowing us to transmission issues.
  • We always have the factory-recommended parts your vehicle needs for transmission repairs.

Payment Plans with No Credit Check

Schedule an Appointment for a Free Inspection

You can count on AAMCO of North Omaha to take great care of your transmission repairs. Many shops can only work on domestic vehicles. Our skilled technicians can repair foreign cars like BMW, Mercedes Benz, or Toyota. In addition to our comprehensive transmission diagnostics, rebuild, and repair services, offer a complete spectrum of repair work, including complete brake, differential repairs and overhauls, tune-ups, fuel injection cleaning, suspension repairs, and much more.
Don’t ignore that lurch when you accelerate or ignore that noise coming from your vehicle. Transmission failure can be catastrophic to your vehicle, and time is of the essence. We offer free inspections. To schedule an appointment with our skilled technicians, contact us today. For your convenience, we offer financing options and special offers. Discover the AAMCO difference!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

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3330 North 72nd St
Omaha, NE 68134

Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM

AAMCO Transmissions & Total Car Care 3330 N 72nd St, Omaha, NE 68134